01304 614237

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Home - Age Concern Sandwich
Service - Age Concern Sandwich

Get Involved

Age Concern Sandwich is a local independent charity built of monies raised locally. Most of the monies are raised internally via donations, legacies and our two charity shops, which are managed by staff and volunteers.

Our Well-being Centre is a hub for many types of engagements and services that provide both mental and physical well-being for those in the community and relies on donations and legacies.

We are always looking for ways to raise extra money to ensure the continuation of our services.

If you would like to get involved by donating, funding or volunteering, please call us on 01304 614237 or click below for further information.

We also have a JustGiving web page, which can be accessed here.

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If you have some spare time, like talking to and meeting people, and looking to help your local community, then why not become a volunteer.

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Age Concern Sandwich is always very appreciative and grateful for the generous help from all its supporters for their fundraising and charitable donations. If you would like to become a supporter, we would love to hear from you.

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All donations are greatly received and help us to continue to promote the well-being of mature adults, to help make their future a fulfilling and enjoyable experience, and to enhance the social aspects of their life.

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Our two local charity shops located on the Guildhall Forecourt Cattle Market and in Market Street are packed with many bargains.